

Each believer is called to make a personal commitment to Christ. We believe that such a commitment is to be lived out corporately in the context of a local church. Membership at SBC is not a loose affiliation useful only on one occasion, but a regular responsibility involving us in one another's lives for the purpose of the Gospel. 

 Therefore, the first and best way to get involved at SBC is to become a member. As members, we covenant together to care for each other, to encourage each other and to hold each other accountable to the truths found in God's Word. 

For more information on becoming a member of SBC, contact Pastor Michael



Sunday Mornings: Sunday School is our biblical education hour, which takes place each Sunday at 9am. There are classes offered for all ages, with different learning settings available for our adult classes. There is also nursery for children. 


Tuesdays: There are a host of opportunities for discipleship and growth each Tuesday at Seaford Baptist. The schedule is listed below. 

  • Men's Breakfast and Bible Study: 6am
  • Women's Bible Study: 9:30am
  • Women's Bible Study: 6:30pm
  • Mixed Adult Bible Study: 6:30pm
  • Graduates and Professionals Bible Study: 7pm (Contact Pastor Jordan Dickens for details)
  • Divorce Care (Coming Soon)



GrowthPoint is our church-wide, Wednesday night disicpleship program. GrowthPoint takes place each Wednesday night at 6:30pm and features discipleship opportunities for the entire family. 

 Adults participate in an worship and an expositional Bible study, usually led by Pastor Michael. Children and students participate in age-appropriate discipleship programs led by both our staff and volunteers. The age breakdown is as follows:

  •  Nursery Care (0-2 years old)
  • Mustard Seeds (3-4 years old)

  • Kingdom Kids (K-4th grade)

  • Surge (5th-6th grade)

  • Seaford Students (7th-12th grade)

 Each week, GrowthPoint is preceeded by a dinner in our Family Life Center at 5:30pm. If you would like to sign up for dinner, call the church office at 757-898-5384. The first time you eat with us, dinner will be on us. 



There are as many ways to volunteer and serve at Seaford Baptist Church as there are people.  After all, for belivers, service to the body of Christ is a primary way that we live out the gospel message (Matthew 25:40).

 As someone who might be new to our church, though, we want to serve you and see your spirit nurtured in this community before we ask anything of you.  For that reason the gateway to most service opportunities in our church--from volunteering in childcare to assisting with parking to leading a small group--is membership.  We want you to commit to love this body, and we want to commit to love you in the same way.  Then together we can discover the unique gifts and opportunities God has provided for you to serve this church.